
Company Profile

The Company was incorporated under the name ‘Mid-Day Publications Private Limited’ on March 12, 1981 with main object of printing and publishing of newspapers, magazines, books, journals etc.

In the year 1987, the company got converted into Public Limited Company. Further, on conversion, the name of the Company was changed from Mid Day Publications Private Ltd. to Mid Day Publications Limited. To reflect the diversification of its activities into other media and the changing nature of business, the name of the Company was again changed to Mid-Day Multimedia Limited on July 7, 2000.

The Company was incorporated for several multimedia activities; including but not limited to; the business as broadcasters, marketers of television programs, television films and television software, to carry on the business of an Advertising agents, to provide on-line and/or interactive information and news for business and general use, to deal in internet commerce and all internet related activity, the main business being that of printing and publishing of any newspapers, journals, magazines book and other literary works etc.

Pursuant to the Scheme of Arrangement with Jagran Prakashan Limited ("JPL") in the year 2010, the entire print and publishing business of the Company, along with all the related licences, trademarks, logos etc. was transferred to JPL and accordingly, the name "MiD DAY" and its Logo were also transferred to JPL in order to avoid any disruption in the use of the name "MiD DAY" and its Logo.

Later on with change and modification in business , the Company’s name was again changed to Next Mediaworks Limited on April 26, 2011. The Company came out with its Initial Public Offer (IPO) in the year 2001 The Company is presently listed on Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange.

At present, the Corporate Identification Number of the Company is L22100MH1981PLC024052.


Next Radio Limited

The radio business was initially promoted as a Company by a joint venture between Next Mediaworks Limited. (formerly "MiD- Day Multimedia Limited") and BBC Worldwide Holdings B. V. (BBC). With the advent of time, Next Radio Limited became the subsidiary of Next Mediaworks Limited. Next Radio Limited was among the first private players to venture into private FM broadcasting and presently has established "Radio One" as the premium FM Brand in top 7 cities of the country being Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, and Ahmedabad. The Company operates under frequency 94.3MHz in all its cities except for the city of Ahmedabad where it operates under the frequency 95 MHz.

With the growth of Engagement, Next Radio has turned International ,presently with its 3 Most Liked Station on Facebook -Mumbai, Delhi and Bangalore! Next Radio has always grown itself innovatively and with New International Engagement Radio One Introduces a Bright and Captive Company Logo!

Next Radio has been awarded as “India’s Most Attractive Media-Radio Brand” in the year 2017

*Ceased to be the subsidiary of Next Mediaworks Limited w.e.f. February 7, 2025.